
Хакери провалили у електронску пошту и потврдили да запад контролише и финансира лидера украјинске опозиције Виталија Кличка!

Запад контролише и финансира лидера украјинске опозиције Виталија Кличка, саопштила је хакерска организација „Анонимус Украјина“.

У саопштењу се наводи да су докази за те тврдње пронађени у електронској пошти саветника председника Литваније Лауринаса Јонавичијуса.

„Извршили смо хакерски упад Јонавичијусу. Преузели смо све поруке и открили смо оне које је послао Кличко. Садржај писама показује начин на који западне земље финансирају и контролишу Кличка путем посредника у Влади Литваније“, истичу „Анонимуси“.

Организација је поставила линкове ка страницама са којих се могу преузети писма.


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Wed, 27 Nov 2013 14:18:47 +0200
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To: [email protected]
Subject: Thanks from Kiev
From: „Vitali Klitschko“ <[email protected]>
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Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 13:18:41 +0100 (CET)
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Dear Mr. Jonavicius,=0A=0AI am writing to thank you for your assistance. Th=
e meeting with Mrs. Grauziniene was very productive. We exchanged views on =
current events and discussed our plans for the future. Mrs. Grauziniene mad=
e some interesting proposals concerning my future. I need to give it some t=
hought but in general I am willing to accept your terms.=0A=0ASpecial thank=
s to all Lithuanian friends for financial assistance. Today my assistant vi=
sited your embassy where he met the Counselor. They discussed financial iss=
ues and plans for future cooperation. My assistant also provided Valentina =
with the details of my bank account in Germany.=0A=0AI look forward to a su=
ccessful working relationship in the future.=0A=0A=0ARegards,=0AVitali


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Sat, 07 Dec 2013 16:48:40 +0200
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Date: Sat, 07 Dec 2013 15:48:32 +0100 (CET)
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Laurynas,=0A=0AFollowing up upon our telephone conversation I think it woul=
d be useful to schedule a visit of some high-ranking officials from the EU.=
Maidan is in need of constant moral support. It would be appropriate to in=
vite someone from Berlin. I have some top-ranking friends there but for som=
e reason they hesitate.=0A=0AOur American friends promised to pay a visit i=
n the coming days, we may even see Nuland or someone from the Congress. =0A=
=0AAnother concern I want to raise is that Yanukovych keeps a low profile. =
It looks very suspicious. What=27s he up to? We would really appreciate som=
e more information on this issue.=0A=0A=0ASincerely yours,=0AVitali

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Sat, 14 Dec 2013 17:05:19 +0200
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To: [email protected]
Subject: From Kiev
From: „Vitali Klitschko“ <[email protected]>
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Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2013 16:05:12 +0100 (CET)
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Laurynas,=0A=0AI am very grateful to the President and all Lithuanian frien=
ds for such strong support. I will do everything possible to meet the expec=
tations of my European partners.=0A=0AYour colleague has arrived and starte=
d working with my team. He=27s a real pro and I think his services may be r=
equired even after the country is destabilized.=0A=0AI=27ve also met your p=
eople from the Embassy. The information about Yanukovych=27s plans they han=
ded me is very important for our common cause. I would like to receive this=
kind of information on a permanent basis.=0A=0A=0ASincerely yours,=0AVitali


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Thu, 09 Jan 2014 14:43:35 +0200
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To: [email protected]
Subject: It’s time to act
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Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2014 13:43:28 +0100 (CET)
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Laurynas,=0A=0AI think we=27ve paved the way for more radical escalation of=
the situation. Isn=27t it time to proceed with more decisive actions?=
=0A=0AI also want you to consider the possibility of increasing funding to =
pay for the services of our supporters.=0A=0A=0ASincerely,=0AVitali


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